Our Community
We are a Christian church, growing with God and each other in Sydney’s Inner-West.
We are diverse in our thinking and backgrounds and welcome the exploration of different points of view. We are somewhat traditional in our corporate worship, but enjoy contemporary elements including music.
We are an outward-looking congregation with a shared commitment to social justice. We highly value prayer and support for each other in the pursuit of our callings, ministries, life and work in the world and church.
Our faith
We are Christian in being committed followers of Jesus Christ. Inspired by his life and teachings, and enabled by his Spirit, we endeavour to worship God in all we do, say and are.
We endeavour to love, support and be patient with each other in the many challenges and opportunities of life and faith, and in our on-going determination to keep working at what it means to be Christian in a 21st century world.
Our attitude
We are inclusive in that we aim to offer acceptance and refuge to all who are hurting or who, for whatever reason, don’t feel welcome in other communities. We recognise the intrinsic worth of all people who are both made in the image of God and are loved by God in all of their uniqueness and difference. We welcome people from different cultures, with different occupations, interests, levels of education, theological persuasions, and from all walks of life. We aim for a humility which allows relationships to be maintained amongst a community of faith with people of differing perspectives and convictions, including those who strongly support the leadership and full participation of women and LGBTIAQ+ people within the life and ministries of the church.

Direct Deposit information:
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
BSB: 062158
Account: 10459794