As we gather in the presence of God, we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land upon which we meet. In his wisdom and love, our heavenly Father entrusted this estate to the stewardship of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. As we continue to learn to live together on these ancestral lands, we acknowledge and pay our respects to their elders, past and present.
We're so glad you stopped by
Join us on Sunday

We meet for church at 9.15am each Sunday morning.
Ours is a traditional Anglican service where we share Holy Communion each week. After the service, we enjoy sharing morning tea together either in the sunshine or the hall.
For those who can't be with us in person, we provide a zoom link. Please email rector@holytrinitydulwichhill.org.au if you would like details.
You are very warmly invited to join us either in person or online.
We are located in the heart of the village
Corner of Herbert and Seaview St, Dulwich Hill.

Sunday School
We provide a fun and formational program for children during school terms. All leaders are required to have WWCC and accreditation through the Anglican Church of Sydney's Safe Ministry program. You are most welcome to stay with your child while they settle in.

Mid week Community groups
Groups meet at various times during the week to read Scripture, pray and take care of each other. Please contact us if you would like to join one.